Friday, October 27, 2006

Election Wishes

You know those voters guides that every special interest group puts out at election time? Don't you wish that you could publish your own. I know that someone might respond "You can, idiot," but I mean one with real answers from the candidates rather than someone's interpretation of all of their statements and votes. Maybe some questions that would seem inappropriate questions should be included like:

1. Will you actually make your running platform goals priorities, or will you just move on to something else when others oppose you long enough?
2. Do you think the question "Have you ever gone to the Gymnasium?" is an appropriate question for congressman to ask a minor?
3. Will you say the sun is the moon just to frustrate members of the other political party?
4. Will you just admit the silly, rude, stupid, dangerous, and possibly criminal things you have done so we can worry about more important things? Attach extra sheets as necessary. (I think that the American public and politicians can be very hypocritical in this area.)
5. So you say you go to church, huh. I want an attendance report signed by your minister. I also want an explanation of how every past vote you have made fits in line with your belief system.
6. For state politicians-Would you support a law requiring individuals 70 and above to have an driver's license examination if they desire to keep their license?
7. For federal politicians-Would you support an annual paint ball tournament to determine the agenda of your legislative body?

1 comment:

Jody said...

that's awesome. Way past due.