Delmar passed away Saturday night. Delmar when we got him was described as a chihuahua dachsund mix at the pound. He later grew up to be we think a rat terrier mix of some kind. He was amazing with kids; they could pick him up by his head and he wouldn't do a thing to them. My wife and I were really looking forward to seeing him play with our own kids, but it was not to be. Things are quieter without Delmar; we have 2 other 4 legged pets but he seems to have been to one that kept them all riled up. It's amazing how you get attached to these animals. I miss him.
You could not imagine a better dog.
I'm sorry about your loss of Delmar. Animal or not, these beings worm their way into our hearts and families, and it's painful to say good-bye. It hasn't been all that long since we lost our lab Molly. I still miss her.
I'm sorry. Our babies are our babies, four legged or not.
It's so hard to lose a pet! They really are special personalities and friends.
Again, I am so very sorry about Delmar and the way he was taken from you. You both are in my prayers.
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